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SKEW+A with Maylin Tu

The SKEW team has been working hard to get our first issue ready to go by Monday, March 5, so in the mean time, we wanted to give you a chance to learn more about each of us. Keep reading–you just might discover your new pop culture obsession, or your new favorite writer.

WRITER / global citizen

Maylin Tu

Location: Los Angeles, California

Can you share some of your story with us?
My life spans at least two continents, four states, five distinct styles of barbecue and innumerable experiences that can only be described as “random” or also “Why?” To put it geographically, I've gone from Maine to Beijing to North Carolina to California to Missouri and back to California. Depending on who you ask, I am Chinese or American or mixed-race or hapa or Other. Identity is a constant theme for me and so is belonging.

Are you a spiritual person? How do you connect to God?
I was raised evangelical Christian and grew up going to church. I haven’t been to church in a few years, but I wouldn’t classify myself as a "none" or as an ex-Christian. I still believe in God, and Christianity still resonates with me. I’m not completely resistant to going back to church, but there are certain parts of the evangelical tradition that just don’t make sense to me anymore. I connect with God through prayer and writing for the most part.

What's your pop culture guilty pleasure?
Probably 90 Day Fiancé on TLC and also reading detailed recaps of episodes of The Bachelor Winter Games that I haven’t even seen.

What do you love to hate in pop culture?
Political memes. Inspirational sayings that don’t make any sense if you actually think about what the words mean. Associating food or eating with morality, i.e. “clean eating.” Michael Bay.

What celebrities would you invite to a dinner party?
I really want to get Flannery O’Connor and Christopher Hitchens in the same room. She would destroy him. Or at least that’s how it goes down in my version.

Be sure to check out Maylin's article when Issue No. 1 drops on March 5!